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Turbopack is an incremental bundler optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust, and built into Next.js. You can use Turbopack with both the Pages and App Router for a much faster local development experience.

Why Turbopack?

We built Turbopack to push the performance of Next.js, including:

  • Unified Graph: Next.js supports multiple output environments (e.g., client and server). Managing multiple compilers and stitching bundles together can be tedious. Turbopack uses a single, unified graph for all environments.
  • Bundling vs Native ESM: Some tools skip bundling in development and rely on the browser's native ESM. This works well for small apps but can slow down large apps due to excessive network requests. Turbopack bundles in dev, but in an optimized way to keep large apps fast.
  • Incremental Computation: Turbopack parallelizes work across cores and caches results down to the function level. Once a piece of work is done, Turbopack won’t repeat it.
  • Lazy Bundling: Turbopack only bundles what is actually requested by the dev server. This lazy approach can reduce initial compile times and memory usage.

Getting started

To enable Turbopack in your Next.js project, use the --turbopack flag when running the development server:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "next dev --turbopack",
    "build": "next build",
    "start": "next start"

Currently, Turbopack only supports next dev. Build (next build) is not yet supported. We are actively working on production support as Turbopack moves closer to stability.

Supported features

Turbopack in Next.js has zero-configuration for the common use cases. Below is a summary of what is supported out of the box, plus some references to how you can configure Turbopack further when needed.

Language features

JavaScript & TypeScriptSupportedUses SWC under the hood. Type-checking is not done by Turbopack (run tsc --watch or rely on your IDE for type checks).
ECMAScript (ESNext)SupportedTurbopack supports the latest ECMAScript features, matching SWC’s coverage.
CommonJSSupportedrequire() syntax is handled out of the box.
ESMSupportedStatic and dynamic import are fully supported.
BabelPartially UnsupportedTurbopack does not include Babel by default. However, you can configure babel-loader via the Turbopack config.

Framework and React features

JSX / TSXSupportedSWC handles JSX/TSX compilation.
Fast RefreshSupportedNo configuration needed.
React Server Components (RSC)SupportedFor the Next.js App Router. Turbopack ensures correct server/client bundling.
Root layout creationUnsupportedAutomatic creation of a root layout in App Router is not supported. Turbopack will instruct you to create it manually.

CSS and styling

Global CSSSupportedImport .css files directly in your application.
CSS ModulesSupported.module.css files work natively (Lightning CSS).
CSS NestingSupportedLightning CSS supports modern CSS nesting.
@import syntaxSupportedCombine multiple CSS files.
PostCSSSupportedAutomatically processes postcss.config.js in a Node.js worker pool. Useful for Tailwind, Autoprefixer, etc.
Sass / SCSSSupported (Next.js)For Next.js, Sass is supported out of the box. In the future, Turbopack standalone usage will likely require a loader config.
LessPlanned via pluginsNot yet supported by default. Will likely require a loader config once custom loaders are stable.
Lightning CSSIn UseHandles CSS transformations. Some low-usage CSS Modules features (like :local/:global as standalone pseudo-classes) are not yet supported. See below for more details.


Static Assets (images, fonts)SupportedImporting import img from './img.png' works out of the box. In Next.js, returns an object for the <Image /> component.
JSON ImportsSupportedNamed or default imports from .json are supported.

Module resolution

Path AliasesSupportedReads tsconfig.json's paths and baseUrl, matching Next.js behavior.
Manual AliasesSupportedConfigure resolveAlias in next.config.js (similar to webpack.resolve.alias).
Custom ExtensionsSupportedConfigure resolveExtensions in next.config.js.
AMDPartially SupportedBasic transforms work; advanced AMD usage is limited.

Performance and Fast Refresh

Fast RefreshSupportedUpdates JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS without a full refresh.
Incremental BundlingSupportedTurbopack lazily builds only what’s requested by the dev server, speeding up large apps.

Unsupported and unplanned features

Some features are not yet implemented or not planned:

  • Production Builds (next build) Turbopack currently only supports next dev. Support for production builds is in active development.
  • Legacy CSS Modules features
    • Standalone :local and :global pseudo-classes (only the function variant :global(...) is supported).
    • The @value rule (superseded by CSS variables).
    • :import and :export ICSS rules.
  • webpack() configuration in next.config.js Turbopack replaces webpack, so webpack() configs are not recognized. Use the experimental.turbo config instead.
  • AMP Not planned for Turbopack support in Next.js.
  • Yarn PnP Not planned for Turbopack support in Next.js.
  • experimental.urlImports Not planned for Turbopack.
  • experimental.esmExternals Not planned. Turbopack does not support the legacy esmExternals configuration in Next.js.
  • Some Next.js Experimental Flags
    • experimental.typedRoutes
    • experimental.nextScriptWorkers
    • experimental.sri.algorithm
    • experimental.fallbackNodePolyfills We plan to implement these in the future.

For a full, detailed breakdown of each feature flag and its status, see the Turbopack API Reference.


Turbopack can be configured via next.config.js (or next.config.ts) under the experimental.turbo key. Configuration options include:

  • rules Define additional webpack loaders for file transformations.
  • resolveAlias Create manual aliases (like resolve.alias in webpack).
  • resolveExtensions Change or extend file extensions for module resolution.
  • moduleIdStrategy Set how module IDs are generated ('named' vs 'deterministic').
  • treeShaking Enable or disable tree shaking in dev and future production builds.
  • memoryLimit Set a memory limit (in bytes) for Turbopack.
module.exports = {
  experimental: {
    turbo: {
      // Example: adding an alias and custom file extension
      resolveAlias: {
        underscore: 'lodash',
      resolveExtensions: ['.mdx', '.tsx', '.ts', '.jsx', '.js', '.json'],

For more in-depth configuration examples, see the Turbopack config documentation.

Generating trace files for performance debugging

If you encounter performance or memory issues and want to help the Next.js team diagnose them, you can generate a trace file by appending NEXT_TURBOPACK_TRACING=1 to your dev command:

NEXT_TURBOPACK_TRACING=1 next dev --turbopack

This will produce a .next/trace-turbopack file. Include that file when creating a GitHub issue on the Next.js repo to help us investigate.


Turbopack is a Rust-based, incremental bundler designed to make local development and builds fast—especially for large applications. It is integrated into Next.js, offering zero-config CSS, React, and TypeScript support.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to improve Turbopack and add production build support. In the meantime, give it a try with next dev --turbopack and let us know your feedback.