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DocsErrorsHandling "Dynamic href is not Supported in the App Router" Error in Next.js

Handling "Dynamic href is not Supported in the App Router" Error in Next.js

This document describes the dynamic href is not supported in the App Router error in Next.js and provides a solution to fix it.

Why This Error Occurred

The "Dynamic href is not supported in the App Router" error happens when you try to use a dynamic href with next/link in the app directory.

The new client-side router in Next.js does not use a mapping of dynamic routes to URLs, but rather it leverages the URL directly. This means it doesn't support dynamic href use.

Possible Ways to Fix It

You need to replace the dynamic href with a direct path in the next/link component. Here's a before and after comparison of what your code should look like:


    pathname: '/route/[slug]',
    query: { slug: '1' },


<Link href="/route/[slug]?slug=1">link</Link>


<Link href="/route/1">link</Link>

In the revised code, the dynamic part of the href ([slug]) is replaced directly with the actual value (1), which simplifies the href and makes it a direct path.