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DocsErrors404.js Cannot Have getInitialProps

404.js Cannot Have getInitialProps

This document provides an understanding of the "404.js Cannot Have getInitialProps" error in Next.js and offers solutions to fix it.

Why This Error Occurred

The "404.js Cannot Have getInitialProps" error usually occurs when either getInitialProps or getServerSideProps is used in your 404.js page. The 404.js page in Next.js is designed to be static to ensure consistent performance.

Possible Ways to Fix It

Adding getInitialProps or getServerSideProps to your 404.js page will cause it to be rendered on the server-side.

To fix this error, you should remove getInitialProps from your 404.js page. Additionally, ensure that no Higher-Order Components (HOCs) used in the 404.js page are attaching getInitialProps.

If your 404.js page requires data fetching, we recommend incrementally adopting the App Router and the not-found file, which does support fetching data before displaying the 404 page.