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The cookies function allows you to read the HTTP incoming request cookies from a Server Component or write outgoing request cookies in a Server Action or Route Handler.

import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
export default function Page() {
  const cookieStore = cookies()
  const theme = cookieStore.get('theme')
  return '...'



The following methods are available:

MethodReturn TypeDescription
get('name')ObjectAccepts a cookie name and returns an object with the name and value.
getAll()Array of objectsReturns a list of all the cookies with a matching name.
has('name')BooleanAccepts a cookie name and returns a boolean based on if the cookie exists.
set(name, value, options)-Accepts a cookie name, value, and options and sets the outgoing request cookie.
delete(name)-Accepts a cookie name and deletes the cookie.
clear()-Deletes all cookies.
toString()StringReturns a string representation of the cookies.


When setting a cookie, the following properties from the options object are supported:

nameStringSpecifies the name of the cookie.
valueStringSpecifies the value to be stored in the cookie.
expiresDateDefines the exact date when the cookie will expire.
maxAgeNumberSets the cookie’s lifespan in seconds.
domainStringSpecifies the domain where the cookie is available.
pathStringLimits the cookie's scope to a specific path within the domain.
secureBoolean,Ensures the cookie is sent only over HTTPS connections for added security.
httpOnlyBooleanRestricts the cookie to HTTP requests, preventing client-side access.
sameSiteBoolean, 'lax', 'strict', 'none'Controls the cookie's cross-site request behavior.
priorityString ("low", "medium", "high")Specifies the cookie's priority
encode('value')FunctionSpecifies a function that will be used to encode a cookie's value.
partitionedBooleanIndicates whether the cookie is partitioned.

To learn more about these options, see the MDN docs.


  • cookies() is a Dynamic Function whose returned values cannot be known ahead of time. Using it in a layout or page will opt a route into dynamic rendering.
  • The .delete() method can only be called:
    • In a Server Action or Route Handler.
    • If it belongs to the same domain from which .set() is called. Additionally, the code must be executed on the same protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) as the cookie you want to delete.
  • HTTP does not allow setting cookies after streaming starts, so you must use .set() in a Server Action or Route Handler.


You can use the cookies().get('name') method to get a single cookie:

import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
export default function Page() {
  const cookieStore = cookies()
  const theme = cookieStore.get('theme')
  return '...'

Getting all cookies

You can use the cookies().getAll() method to get all cookies with a matching name. If name is unspecified, it returns all the available cookies.

import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
export default function Page() {
  const cookieStore = cookies()
  return cookieStore.getAll().map((cookie) => (
    <div key={}>
      <p>Name: {}</p>
      <p>Value: {cookie.value}</p>

You can use the cookies().set(name, value, options) method in a Server Action or Route Handler to set a cookie. The options object is optional.

'use server'
import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
async function create(data) {
  cookies().set('name', 'lee')
  // or
  cookies().set('name', 'lee', { secure: true })
  // or
    name: 'name',
    value: 'lee',
    httpOnly: true,
    path: '/',

You can use the cookies().has(name) method to check if a cookie exists:

import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
export default function Page() {
  const cookieStore = cookies()
  const hasCookie = cookieStore.has('theme')
  return '...'

Deleting cookies

There are three ways you can delete a cookie.

Using the delete() method:

'use server'
import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
async function delete(data) {

Setting a new cookie with the same name and an empty value:

'use server'
import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
async function delete(data) {
  cookies().set('name', '')

Setting the maxAge to 0 will immediately expire a cookie. maxAge accepts a value in seconds.

'use server'
import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
async function delete(data) {
  cookies().set('name', 'value', { maxAge: 0 })

Version History

v13.0.0cookies introduced.