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IntroductionCommunityContribution Guide
You are currently viewing documentation for version 13 of Next.js

Docs Contribution Guide

Welcome to the Next.js Docs Contribution Guide! We're excited to have you here.

This page provides instructions on how to edit the Next.js documentation. Our goal is to ensure that everyone in the community feels empowered to contribute and improve our docs.

Why Contribute?

Open-source work is never done, and neither is documentation. Contributing to docs is a good way for beginners to get involved in open-source and for experienced developers to clarify more complex topics while sharing their knowledge with the community.

By contributing to the Next.js docs, you're helping us build a more robust learning resource for all developers. Whether you've found a typo, a confusing section, or you've realized that a particular topic is missing, your contributions are welcomed and appreciated.

How to Contribute

The docs content can be found on the Next.js repo. To contribute, you can edit the files directly on GitHub or clone the repo and edit the files locally.

GitHub Workflow

If you're new to GitHub, we recommend reading the GitHub Open Source Guide to learn how to fork a repository, create a branch, and submit a pull request.

Good to know: The underlying docs code lives in a private codebase that is synced to the Next.js public repo. This means that you can't preview the docs locally. However, you'll see your changes on after merging a pull request.

Writing MDX

The docs are written in MDX, a markdown format that supports JSX syntax. This allows us to embed React components in the docs. See the GitHub Markdown Guide for a quick overview of markdown syntax.


Previewing Changes Locally

VSCode has a built-in markdown previewer that you can use to see your edits locally. To enable the previewer for MDX files, you'll need to add a configuration option to your user settings.

Open the command palette (⌘ + ⇧ + P on Mac or Ctrl + Shift + P on Windows) and search from Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON).

Then, add the following line to your settings.json file:

  "files.associations": {
    "*.mdx": "markdown"

Next, open the command palette again, and search for Markdown: Preview File or Markdown: Open Preview to the Side. This will open a preview window where you can see your formatted changes.


We also recommend the following extensions for VSCode users:

  • MDX: Intellisense and syntax highlighting for MDX.
  • Grammarly: Grammar and spell checker.
  • Prettier: Format MDX files on save.

Review Process

Once you've submitted your contribution, the Next.js or Developer Experience teams will review your changes, provide feedback, and merge the pull request when it's ready.

Please let us know if you have any questions or need further assistance in your PR's comments. Thank you for contributing to the Next.js docs and being a part of our community!

Tip: Run pnpm prettier-fix to run Prettier before submitting your PR.

File Structure

The docs use file-system routing. Each folder and files inside /docs represent a route segment. These segments are used to generate the URL paths, navigation, and breadcrumbs.

The file structure reflects the navigation that you see on the site, and by default, navigation items are sorted alphabetically. However, we can change the order of the items by prepending a two-digit number (00-) to the folder or file name.

For example, in the functions API Reference, the pages are sorted alphabetically because it makes it easier for developers to find a specific function:

├── cookies.mdx
├── draft-mode.mdx
├── fetch.mdx
└── ...

But, in the routing section, the files are prefixed with a two-digit number, sorted in the order developers should learn these concepts:

├── 01-defining-routes.mdx
├── 02-pages-and-layouts.mdx
├── 03-linking-and-navigating.mdx
└── ...

To quickly find a page, you can use ⌘ + P (Mac) or Ctrl + P (Windows) to open the search bar on VSCode. Then, type the slug of the page you're looking for. E.g. defining-routes

Why not use a manifest?

We considered using a manifest file (another popular way to generate the docs navigation), but we found that a manifest would quickly get out of sync with the files. File-system routing forces us to think about the structure of the docs and feels more native to Next.js.


Each page has a metadata block at the top of the file separated by three dashes.

Required Fields

The following fields are required:

titleThe page's <h1> title, used for SEO and OG Images.
descriptionThe page's description, used in the <meta name="description"> tag for SEO.
title: Page Title
description: Page Description

It's good practice to limit the page title to 2-3 words (e.g. Optimizing Images) and the description to 1-2 sentences (e.g. Learn how to optimize images in Next.js).

Optional Fields

The following fields are optional:

nav_titleOverrides the page's title in the navigation. This is useful when the page's title is too long to fit. If not provided, the title field is used.
sourcePulls content into a shared page. See Shared Pages.
relatedA list of related pages at the bottom of the document. These will automatically be turned into cards. See Related Links.
nav_title: Nav Item Title
source: app/building-your-application/optimizing/images
  description: See the image component API reference.
    - app/api-reference/components/image

App and Pages Docs

Since most of the features in the App Router and Pages Router are completely different, their docs for each are kept in separate sections (02-app and 03-pages). However, there are a few features that are shared between them.

Shared Pages

To avoid content duplication and risk the content becoming out of sync, we use the source field to pull content from one page into another. For example, the <Link> component behaves mostly the same in App and Pages. Instead of duplicating the content, we can pull the content from app/.../link.mdx into pages/.../link.mdx:

title: <Link>
description: API reference for the <Link> component.
This API reference will help you understand how to use the props
and configuration options available for the Link Component.
title: <Link>
description: API reference for the <Link> component.
source: app/api-reference/components/link
{/* The content of this page is pulled from the source above. */}

We can therefore edit the content in one place and have it reflected in both sections.

Shared Content

In shared pages, sometimes there might be content that is App Router or Pages Router specific. For example, the <Link> component has a shallow prop that is only available in Pages but not in App.

To make sure the content only shows in the correct router, we can wrap content blocks in an <AppOnly> or <PagesOnly> components:

This content is shared between App and Pages.
This content will only be shown on the Pages docs.
This content is shared between App and Pages.

You'll likely use these components for examples and code blocks.

Code Blocks

Code blocks should contain a minimum working example that can be copied and pasted. This means that the code should be able to run without any additional configuration.

For example, if you're showing how to use the <Link> component, you should include the import statement and the <Link> component itself.

import Link from 'next/link'
export default function Page() {
  return <Link href="/about">About</Link>

Always run examples locally before committing them. This will ensure that the code is up-to-date and working.

Language and Filename

Code blocks should have a header that includes the language and the filename. Add a filename prop to render a special Terminal icon that helps orientate users where to input the command. For example:

```bash filename="Terminal"
npx create-next-app

Most examples in the docs are written in tsx and jsx, and a few in bash. However, you can use any supported language, here's the full list.

When writing JavaScript code blocks, we use the following language and extension combinations.

JavaScript files with JSX code```jsx.js
JavaScript files without JSX```js.js
TypeScript files with JSX```tsx.tsx
TypeScript files without JSX```ts.ts

TS and JS Switcher

Add a language switcher to toggle between TypeScript and JavaScript. Code blocks should be TypeScript first with a JavaScript version to accommodate users.

Currently, we write TS and JS examples one after the other, and link them with switcher prop:

```tsx filename="app/page.tsx" switcher
```jsx filename="app/page.js" switcher

Good to know: We plan to automatically compile TypeScript snippets to JavaScript in the future. In the meantime, you can use

Line Highlighting

Code lines can be highlighted. This is useful when you want to draw attention to a specific part of the code. You can highlight lines by passing a number to the highlight prop.

Single Line: highlight={1}

import Link from 'next/link'
export default function Page() {
  return <Link href="/about">About</Link>

Multiple Lines: highlight={1,3}

import Link from 'next/link'
export default function Page() {
  return <Link href="/about">About</Link>

Range of Lines: highlight={1-5}

import Link from 'next/link'
export default function Page() {
  return <Link href="/about">About</Link>


The following icons are available for use in the docs:

<Check size={18} />
<Cross size={18} />


We do not use emojis in the docs.


For information that is important but not critical, use notes. Notes are a good way to add information without distracting the user from the main content.

> **Good to know**: This is a single line note.
> **Good to know**:
> - We also use this format for multi-line notes.
> - There are sometimes multiple items worth knowing or keeping in mind.


Good to know: This is a single line note.

Good to know:

  • We also use this format for multi-line notes.
  • There are sometimes multiple item worths knowing or keeping in mind.

Related Links guide the user's learning journey by adding links to logical next steps.

  • Links will be displayed in cards under the main content of the page.
  • Links will be automatically generated for pages that have child pages. For example, the Optimizing section has links to all of its child pages.

Create related links using the related field in the page's metadata.

  description: Learn how to quickly get started with your first application.
    - app/building-your-application/routing/defining-routes
    - app/building-your-application/data-fetching
    - app/api-reference/file-conventions/page

Nested Fields

titleOptionalThe title of the card list. Defaults to Next Steps.
descriptionOptionalThe description of the card list.
linksRequiredA list of links to other doc pages. Each list item should be a relative URL path (without a leading slash) e.g. app/api-reference/file-conventions/page


Diagrams are a great way to explain complex concepts. We use Figma to create diagrams, following Vercel's design guide.

The diagrams currently live in a /public folder in our private Next.js site. If you'd like to update or add a diagram, please open a GitHub issue with your ideas.

Custom Components and HTML

These are the React Components available for the docs: <Image /> (next/image), <PagesOnly />, <AppOnly />, <Cross />, and <Check />. We do not allow raw HTML in the docs besides the <details> tag.

If you have ideas for new components, please open a GitHub issue.

Style Guide

This section contains guidelines for writing docs for those who are new to technical writing.

Page Templates

While we don't have a strict template for pages, there are page sections you'll see repeated across the docs:

  • Overview: The first paragraph of a page should tell the user what the feature is and what it's used for. Followed by a minimum working example or its API reference.
  • Convention: If the feature has a convention, it should be explained here.
  • Examples: Show how the feature can be used with different use cases.
  • API Tables: API Pages should have an overview table at the of the page with jump-to-section links (when possible).
  • Next Steps (Related Links): Add links to related pages to guide the user's learning journey.

Feel free to add these sections as needed.

Page Types

Docs pages are also split into two categories: Conceptual and Reference.

  • Conceptual pages are used to explain a concept or feature. They are usually longer and contain more information than reference pages. In the Next.js docs, conceptual pages are found in the Building Your Application section.
  • Reference pages are used to explain a specific API. They are usually shorter and more focused. In the Next.js docs, reference pages are found in the API Reference section.

Good to know: Depending on the page you're contributing to, you may need to follow a different voice and style. For example, conceptual pages are more instructional and use the word you to address the user. Reference pages are more technical, they use more imperative words like "create, update, accept" and tend to omit the word you.


Here are some guidelines to maintain a consistent style and voice across the docs:

  • Write clear, concise sentences. Avoid tangents.
    • If you find yourself using a lot of commas, consider breaking the sentence into multiple sentences or use a list.
    • Swap out complex words for simpler ones. For example, use instead of utilize.
  • Be mindful with the word this. It can be ambiguous and confusing, don't be afraid to repeat the subject of the sentence if unclear.
    • For example, Next.js uses React instead of Next.js uses this.
  • Use an active voice instead of passive. An active sentence is easier to read.
    • For example, Next.js uses React instead of React is used by Next.js. If you find yourself using words like was and by you may be using a passive voice.
  • Avoid using words like easy, quick, simple, just, etc. This is subjective and can be discouraging to users.
  • Avoid negative words like don't, can't, won't, etc. This can be discouraging to readers.
    • For example, "You can use the Link component to create links between pages" instead of "Don't use the <a> tag to create links between pages".
  • Write in second person (you/your). This is more personal and engaging.
  • Use gender-neutral language. Use developers, users, or readers, when referring to the audience.
  • If adding code examples, ensure they are properly formatted and working.

While these guidelines are not exhaustive, they should help you get started. If you'd like to dive deeper into technical writing, check out the Google Technical Writing Course.

Thank you for contributing to the docs and being part of the Next.js community!