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Optimizing Third-Party Scripts

Many applications rely on third-party JavaScript to include different types of functionality, such as analytics, ads, and customer support widgets. However, embedding third-party authored code can delay page content from rendering and affect user performance if it is loaded too early.

Next.js provides a built-in Script component that optimizes loading for any third-party script, while giving developers the option to decide when to fetch and execute it.

Using the Script Component

Using regular HTML, external scripts would need to be manually appended to next/head:

import Head from 'next/head';
function IndexPage() {
  return (
        <script src="" />

With the Next.js Script component, you can add it anywhere in the component without needing to use next/head:

import Script from 'next/script';
function IndexPage() {
  return (

The Script component introduces a strategy property that allows you to decide when to fetch and execute a script for optimal loading. To not negatively affect Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), most third-party scripts should be deferred to load after all the contents of a page has finished loading, either immediately after the page becomes interactive (strategy="afterInteractive") or lazily during browser idle time (strategy="lazyOnload").

Further Reading

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29: Monitoring your Core Web Vitals