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React Foundations

To effectively learn Next.js, it helps to be familiar with JavaScript, React, and related web development concepts. But JavaScript and React are vast topics. How do you know when you're ready to start using Next.js?

Welcome to the React Foundations course! This beginner-friendly, example-led course will guide you through the prerequisite knowledge for Next.js. You will build a simple project step-by-step; starting with a JavaScript application, then migrating it to React and Next.js.

Each section builds on the previous one, so you can choose where to start depending on what you already know.

Prerequisite knowledge

This tutorial assumes knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and no knowledge of React. If you're already familiar with React, you can skip to the From React to Next.js chapter or take Dashboard App course.

System requirements

Before you start this course, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js 20.12.0 or later installed.
  • Operating systems: macOS, Windows (including WSL), or Linux.
  • VSCode or another text editor of your choice.

Join the conversation

If you have questions about anything related to Next.js or this course, you're welcome to ask our community on Discord.

Ready to get started?

Now that you've been introduced to the course, let's dive in.

Next Up

1: About React and Next.js

Learn what React and Next.js are, and how they can help you build modern web applications.