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Page Path Depends on External Data

In the previous lesson, we covered the case where the page content depends on external data. We used getStaticProps to fetch required data to render the index page.

In this lesson, we’ll talk about the case where each page path depends on external data. Next.js allows you to statically generate pages with paths that depend on external data. This enables dynamic URLs in Next.js.

Page Path Depends on External Data

How to Statically Generate Pages with Dynamic Routes

In our case, we want to create dynamic routes for blog posts:

  • We want each post to have the path /posts/<id>, where <id> is the name of the markdown file under the top-level posts directory.
  • Since we have and, we’d like the paths to be /posts/ssg-ssr and /posts/pre-rendering.

Overview of the Steps

We can do this by taking the following steps. You don’t have to make these changes yet — we’ll do it all on the next page.

First, we’ll create a page called [id].js under pages/posts. Pages that begin with [ and end with ] are dynamic routes in Next.js.

In pages/posts/[id].js, we’ll write code that will render a post page — just like other pages we’ve created.

import Layout from '../../components/layout';
export default function Post() {
  return <Layout>...</Layout>;

Now, here’s what’s new: We’ll export an async function called getStaticPaths from this page. In this function, we need to return a list of possible values for id.

import Layout from '../../components/layout';
export default function Post() {
  return <Layout>...</Layout>;
export async function getStaticPaths() {
  // Return a list of possible value for id

Finally, we need to implement getStaticProps again - this time, to fetch necessary data for the blog post with a given id. getStaticProps is given params, which contains id (because the file name is [id].js).

import Layout from '../../components/layout';
export default function Post() {
  return <Layout>...</Layout>;
export async function getStaticPaths() {
  // Return a list of possible value for id
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
  // Fetch necessary data for the blog post using

Here’s a graphic summary of what we just talked about:

How to Statically Generate Pages with Dynamic Routes

Let’s try this on the next page!

You've Completed Chapter 30

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31: Implement getStaticPaths