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Implement getStaticPaths

First, let’s set up the files:

  • Create a file called [id].js inside the pages/posts directory.
  • Also, remove first-post.js inside the pages/posts directory — we’ll no longer use this.

Then, open pages/posts/[id].js in your editor and paste the following code. We’ll fill in ... later:

import Layout from '../../components/layout';
export default function Post() {
  return <Layout>...</Layout>;

Then, open lib/posts.js and add the following getAllPostIds function at the bottom. It will return the list of file names (excluding .md) in the posts directory:

export function getAllPostIds() {
  const fileNames = fs.readdirSync(postsDirectory);
  // Returns an array that looks like this:
  // [
  //   {
  //     params: {
  //       id: 'ssg-ssr'
  //     }
  //   },
  //   {
  //     params: {
  //       id: 'pre-rendering'
  //     }
  //   }
  // ]
  return => {
    return {
      params: {
        id: fileName.replace(/\.md$/, ''),

Important: The returned list is not just an array of strings — it must be an array of objects that look like the comment above. Each object must have the params key and contain an object with the id key (because we’re using [id] in the file name). Otherwise, getStaticPaths will fail.

Finally, we'll import the getAllPostIds function and use it inside getStaticPaths. Open pages/posts/[id].js and copy the following code above the exported Post component:

import { getAllPostIds } from '../../lib/posts';
export async function getStaticPaths() {
  const paths = getAllPostIds();
  return {
    fallback: false,
  • paths contains the array of known paths returned by getAllPostIds(), which include the params defined by pages/posts/[id].js. Learn more in the paths key documentation
  • Ignore fallback: false for now — we’ll explain that later.

We’re almost done — but we still need to implement getStaticProps. Let’s do that on the next page!

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32: Implement getStaticProps